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"No Labels" Indeed

One Hundred Million Dead

  • "The West accepts an epochal, monstrous, unforgivable double standard. We rehearse the crimes of Nazism almost daily; we teach them to our children as ultimate historical and moral lessons; and we bear witness to every victim. We are, with so few exceptions, almost silent on the crimes of Communism. So the bodies lie among us, unnoticed, everywhere." -- Alan Charles Kors, Professor of History, University of Pennsylvania


Progressive "Chic"

  • "Speaking of Lenin and Hitler, here is a story -- originating with Kingsley Amis and told recently by Charles Moore, the British journalist. Amis 'knew a man who was an interior decorator. One day, the man was commissioned to improve the house of a rich, left-wing woman in Hampstead. Above the main staircase was a huge portrait of Lenin. Kingsley's friend decided on a tease: "Who's that?" he asked . ... "Hang on, don't tell me, don't tell me. ... I know: Hitler!"'" -- Jay Nordlinger, "Undies, Comrade?" National Review, July 6, 2009, p. 25.

The More Laws The Better

  • Still today this January 7, 2001, Letter to the Editor of the Los Angeles Times from a woman in West Hollywood remains a classic of the liberal mindset: "SPONSORING NEW LAWS: Re your Jan. 1 article on some of the state's most important 2001 laws: By my count of the 81 new laws, two were bipartisan, 70 were sponsored by Democrats and nine by Republicans. No wonder Republicans can cry 'too much government' -- they just don't bother to do a thing."

Our Next President

  • At the CNN-hosted "debate" held today, June 3, 2007, in New Hampshire, Wolf Blitzer asked the Democratic Presidential candidates whether "English should be the official language of the United States." All but Mike Gravel answered No. Barack Obama objected that "this is the kind of question that is designed precisely to divide us." Hillary Clinton responded with concern that "if it becomes official, that means in a place like New York City you can't print ballots in any other language." Pray for the nation.

El Presidente de los Estados Unidos

  • "I don't understand when people are going around worrying about, 'We need to have English only.' They want to pass a law, 'We want just, uh, we want English only.' Now, I agree that immigrants should learn English. I agree with that. But, but, understand this. Instead of worrying about whether, uh, immigrants can learn English -- they'll learn English -- you need to make sure your child can speak Spanish." -- Senator Barack Obama, July 8, 2008

Blaming Whitey

  • THE FOUNDRY blog at, April 3, 2009: BRAZILIAN PRESIDENT LUIZ INACIO LULA DA SILVA, MARCH 27, 2009: "This is a crisis that was caused by white people with blue eyes. And before the crisis, they looked as if they knew everything about economics." ASSOCIATED PRESS, APRIL 2, 2009: During a lunch at the Group of 20 summit in London, Obama shook hands with President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and said: “This is my man, right here. I love this guy."

The Benefit in Demeaning America

Noteworthy Books

The Book They Want to Keep You From Reading

Thought for the Day

  • "I have a million ideas. The country can't afford them all." Senator Hillary Clinton, October 10, 2007

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March 12, 2010


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